eBook formats

With self-publishing eBooks at our platform - magicauthor.com, the boundaries between an author, a publisher, a book distributor or a seller shrink instantly and incredibly.

Electronic book or eBook is the digital version of printed book. An eBook can be produced in either ePUB or PDF format. ePUB is the industry standard format that uses the '.epub' file extension. It is the short form of electronic publication and is supported by many e-readers and compatible software is available on almost all digital devices. Our ePUB format books can be opened by 'Google Play Books' app available on all Android smartphones as well as 'iBooks' app in Apple iPhones and iPads.

Of course, the most common format used in the public domain is PDF that uses the '.pdf' file extension. All the smartphones are capable of opening a PDF file. The main difference between an ePub and a Pdf is in their reading experience. ePUB has the edge in readability. ePUB is basically a re-flowable HTML text that fits to the size of the screen. It enables the readers to read the text without the need to zoom-in/out or scroll horizontally on the screen.

The advantage of PDF is that the text is fixed on the layout of pages and hence it is easier to print a PDF file rather than an ePub file. So readers who prefer reading the book in print format can opt for a PDF eBook to print and read.

MOBI is a slightly modified version of ePUB file format and is used in all Kindle devices by Amazon. Kindle users can use both MOBI as well as ePUB file format books.

At MagicAuthor.com, we help you in creating the ebook in all file formats including ePUB, PDF and HTML. You are allowed to use those generated files in whichever way you want. You can download and keep it with yourself, or you may even upload to other eCommerce platforms or your personal website. You may want to print those PDF files and distribute it to others. You are free to do anything. We empower you with the necessary tools and techniques for your author's journey.

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